
What are the veneers?
Veneers are one of the most well-known methods of improving the appearance of the mouth in dentistry. The veneer is placed in front of the patient’s tooth and its placement is easy, painless and quick. The most common materials from which veneers are made are resin and porcelain.
Resin or porcelain: what should I choose?
In recent years, the use of porcelain as a material for the construction of facades has prevailed. Porcelain veneers have a much more beautiful aesthetic effect, do not deteriorate over time and are more durable.
Which are the indications for placing porcelain veneers?
The indications are as follows:
• discolored teeth
• misshapen teeth
• enamel hypoplasia
• dental fluorosis
• Drug-induced tooth discoloration (e.g. tetracycline)
• dysfunction, enamel fractures, loss of enamel due to corrosion
• Tooth reshaping and contouring
Are there any contraindications?
As with any other method, there are some situations in which we do not recommend placing porcelain veneers. Contraindications, although not prohibitive, are the following:
• poor dental and oral hygiene
• progressive gingivitis/periodontitis
• Bruxism
• Previously existing dental restorations
In any case, our team is here to answer all your questions and find the right aesthetic method for you!
Advantages of porcelain veneers:
• An excellent aesthetic result
• Non-invasive, does not require extensive excision of tissues
• It is almost painless, as local anesthesia is administered
• It doesn’t require a lot of visits to place the veneers
Cons of Porcelain Veneers?
The price of placement of the porcelain veneers is higher than that of resin veneers, but comparing their aesthetic effect and durability, the former method is clearly superior. Their durability is huge, but it is very important to take care of them (oral and dental hygiene).
How long can I have porcelain veneers?
Porcelain veneers are bonded to the front of the tooth and cannot be moved or removed. If you follow their maintenance manual, you will likely have a bright smile for many years! We remain at your disposal to answer any questions you may have.
The steps of the porcelain veneer procedure
Porcelain veneers procedure usually requires 5 visits. On the first visit, the dentist takes your medical history, examines your oral cavity, explains the procedure, answers your questions and, if you are ready, he takes an impression of your tooth and its surrounding teeth and gums. It is this copy of your mouth that will be used to fabricate your veneer. It is of utmost importance that the patient fully understands the method and that all questions are answered. On the second appointment, the dentist is able to present a close approximation of the final result, through the diagnostic waxes. If the patient agrees and is happy, οn the third visit the necessary preparation and trimming of the teeth, the taking of the final impressions and a temporary veneer are done. On the fourth visit, we check if the veneers fit exactly on the teeth. On the fifth and final appointment, the veneers are bonded.